A Building for Calvary Chapel Belém

Hello! We would like to ask if you will join us as we pray about taking a step of faith and renting a building to be our home base for our new church plant and its ministries here in Belém, Brazil.

Our church, Calvary Chapel Belém, currently meets every Sunday in a park in the middle of the city. Every Sunday morning and afternoon this park is transformed into a large fair, with vendors and different cultural exhibits drawing large crowds. Our church service is held right in the middle of all of the action, and we love it! Each Sunday Kyle preaches the Word and delivers the Gospel to message to people who might never have stepped into a traditional church building or who have left the church years ago. We are seeing people accept or rededicate their lives to Jesus and the Lord is using this outside service in big way.

Regardless of a building, we will continue the service in the park, God willing, but with a building, we would offer evening service and much more. We would like to have a safe place for the men and women who call Calvary Belém their church home to meet, fellowship, and be able to have discipleship in...as well as a home for our other ministries: the Proverbs Ministry (a ministry for individuals involved in prostitution and human trafficking), and the Refugee ministry (A ministry that works with the Venezuelan refugees from the Warao tribe).

The area in the city of Belém where we are hoping to rent has a little higher cost than other areas in the city because it is in a safer location and is easily accessible by bus. One of the things we need to consider is the safety of our church family and how/when they travel to church is always a concern given the fact that Belém continues to be in the top 10 most dangerous cities in the world (and the majority of the people in our church do not drive, but mainly use the bus and walk). For this reason, our church building needs to be a place where everyone can get to without having to walk through dangerous areas, as many of our church activities are in the evening this puts people at higher risk for robberies. Taking safety and ease of accessibility into account there are very few places in Belém that could work for us and still be close to where we have Sunday morning church service and our other outreaches.

We have estimated that $2,000.00 a month would be needed to cover the rent, maintenance fees, electric bill, church related activities, outreaches, etc...essentially, this amount would be the cost of running the church...not just rent. Currently, we do not ask for tithes or offerings during our services in the park as it would be confusing to the people attending and is not an appropriate setting to do so. It is our desire and prayer that as the church grows it will become more and more self-sufficient in Brazil and will eventually be able to cover its own expenses. Until then, we ask you all to pray with us for this very large need.

For more information on the church and our other ministries please visit the church's website at www.capeladocalvariobelem.com and you can watch the church's Sunday messages in the park on YouTube, search for the Dia Gratia channel.

Thank you all for your prayers!


Kyle, Krista, Aidan and Liam Fox



Written: August 7, 2018

Dia Gratia is a registered 501(c) 3 non-profit ministry, serving people and ministries all over the world, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching the word of God and ministering to the physical needs of suffering people, sharing grace, love and hope in the name of Jesus.

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